Her Ambitious Career

Ep 44 - 'Money Mindset: How You're Blocking Yourself From Building Wealth' with guest Julia Scott

Episode 44

Welcome to Her Ambitious Career, the personal branding and success podcast for ambitious corporate women who expect more from their careers.

This is SUCH an important conversation about MONEY, MINDSET and how you see your capacity to earn to your full potential.

Julia Scott is a Money Mindset Expert and Founder of Love, Luck, Wealth. In this episode,  'Money Mindset: How You're Blocking Yourself From Building Wealth', Julia is sharing:

  • 3 of the most common mindset 'stories' that women specifically 'tell themselves' that keep their capacity to earn smaller than it should be.... here they are: * SPOLIER ALERT! *

a) Thinking that making money is so much HARDER than it needs to be
b) Making good money makes you feel GUILTY
c) Doubting whether you're ever adding enough VALUE to ask for more money

Julia says:

"Making money isn't about intelligence. It is about drive and taking action and having the belief system to see the opportunities that are always right in front of you. " (Julia Scott, guest on Her Ambitious Career podcast)


Guest Bio:

Julia is ex-corporate Wealth Management and a certified Money Mindset expert. As a former financial advisor, she realised that there’s a gap in the market between women and the finance industry: women do money differently to men. 

Julia helps women clear money blocks and set up systems to become super confident in attracting managing and growing wealth in their personal life and in business.

Take Julia’s Discover Your Money Language quiz

Get Julia’s FREE Money Starter Guide

Get in touch with Julia: 



Host Bio:

Rebecca Allen is a Career Success Coach for ambitious women looking to land dream career opportunities. She has worked over the last 10 years with clients from companies including ANZ Bank, Origin Energy, J.P. Morgan and Coca-Cola Amatil and loves getting those excited phone calls from clients saying they’ve been promoted, have negotiated a seismic pay rise or have moved into a role completely aligned with their mission, values and strengths. Find Rebecca: www.illuminategrowth.com.au

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