Her Ambitious Career

Ep 58 - '5 Life Lessons to Bring You Greater Joy & to Stop You Being So Hard on Yourself' with Career Success Coach Rebecca Allen

Rebecca Allen Episode 58

Welcome to Her Ambitious Career, the personal branding and success podcast for corporate women who want to land dream opportunities in their careers and get that recognition they so deserve.

I am always so mindful how much pressure we women put on ourselves...

Pressure to perform, pressure to give to others, pressure to be everyone else's support, pressure to succeed... it goes on and on.

I thought today I would share 5 of my own life's lessons with you on today's episode because, quite frankly, I have learned an awful lot! And continue to!


So what am I sharing today?

5 lessons (and a little advice too) including:

#1 "I'm in a job I hate? What do I do?"

#2 "I just lost my job and now I feel unworthy. How do I cope?"

#3 "I'm always comparing myself to other people and it makes me miserable. What do I do??"

#4 "I hate it when I get asked something in a meeting and I don't know the answer! I feel like a fool!"

#5 "What if I have made the wrong decision? What now?"

Here's something interesting I said in this ep! :)

"Hanging your sense of worth solely on anything external to you (a salary, a job title, a house, a comment from someone else etc) is always a mistake. What if you get made redundant or have to take a pay cut? Your sense of worth goes out of the window too. Much better is to learn how to build a sense of worth on you... that's never changing!"  (Rebecca Allen, Career Success Coach and host of Her Ambitious Career podcast)


Email the show: share your own lesson; suggest a topic; give us feedback; just message to say 'hi'!  >>>     podcast@illuminategrowth.com.au


Some More About Your Host:

Rebecca Allen is a Career Success Coach for ambitious women who want more from their lives and careers. She has worked over the last 13+ years with clients from companies including ANZ Bank, Origin Energy, J.P. Morgan, IHS Markit and Coca-Cola Amatil and loves getting those excited phone calls from clients saying they’ve been promoted, have negotiated a seismic pay rise or have moved into a role completely aligned with their mission, values and strengths. Her own ambitions include raising two beautiful, happy confident children; building a fun and impactful coaching business that empowers 50,000 women worldwide; and visiting Alaska! You can connect with Rebecca on Linkedin here: Rebecca Allen Career Coach


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Get Rebecca's most popular FREE download:   'The 7 Habits of Female Execs Who Get Promoted'

Keep being overlooked for promotion? Secure a 15-minute call in Rebecca's calendar (if there aren't any immediate spots available you may need to check the rest of the month):
> Book a free 15-minute Career Strategy Call