Her Ambitious Career

Ep 171 - How to Stop Giving Meaning to Set Backs - Empower Yourself

Episode 171

Do you tend to over-catastrophise situations, or feel guilt too easily with setbacks? You might layer on 'meaning' to all sorts of situations but there's a much simpler way! Stay in control, feel better and more free with this strategy today!

I went to my yoga class last night… it was heaven. My yoga studio overlooks the beach, the sun was still low in the sky and I could hear the waves lapping the beach as I stretched and relaxed at the end of my class.

My yoga instructor, Annie, was whispering deep and meaningful suggestions to the room and then she said, "Sometimes a thing is not good; it’s not bad; it just is."

And despite the fact I wasn't supposed to get distracted, I did. What a thoughtful idea. 

If you know you tend to layer on meaning to difficult situations (or your interactions with other people perhaps) and it can have a detrimental impact on your emotions and wellbeing, you will LOVE this discussion. x



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About Rebecca:

Hi, I’m Rebecca Allen and I’m an Executive Coach and Personal Brand expert for corporate women, aspiring to senior levels of leadership. I absolutely LOVE coaching and seeing my fabulous clients exceed their own expectations. I’ve worked for 11 years now as a coach and have helped women at companies including Woolworths, ANZ, J.P. Morgan, PwC, Coca-Cola Amatil, Ministry of Defence and Coles. I live for those phone calls from clients, jumping up and down, telling me they’ve got that promotion, negotiated a seismic pay rise or have moved into a role completely aligned with their mission, values and strengths. I’m a working mum of two wonderful children, adore travel and trying my hand at anything creative. I’d love to connect with you!